Saturday, June 21, 2008

It's all how you view it

In a recent article by the Greene County Daily World, there is a great example of an entrepreneur that is alert to opportunities:

Many area farmers are taking a financial hit from the recent floods.

But Sawyer Sparks, a young entrepreneur from rural Bloomfield who is a third-year agriculture economics student at Purdue University, says he's got a viable alternative to re-planting washed out corn and soybeans.


Sparks owns a local company called BioGreene -- which started in 2007.

Its major product is sunflowers.


He contends there is still plenty of time to plant and have hopes to salvage something from this year's damaged crop season.

"Some sunflowers have a growing period of 80-90 days, which would give plenty of time to mature in time for harvest," Sparks said this week.

When everyone else is talking about the flooding disasters across the Midwest, here is someone that is viewing the situation a bit differently and thinking entrepreneurially about what opportunities might exist. That is a true sign of an entrepreneur!

For the full story, go to: Greene County Daily World: Story: Bloomfield grad offers alternatives for farmers and youngsters

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