If you want to start your own business and need some help, and are located in the U.S., I encourage you to start with your local small business development center (SBDC). What is an SBDC? As described on the U.S. Small Business Administration's (SBA) website:
SBDCs offer one-stop assistance to individuals and small businesses by providing a wide variety of information and guidance in central and easily accessible branch locations. The program is a cooperative effort of the private sector, the educational community and federal, state and local governments and is an integral component of Entrepreneurial Development's network of training and counseling services.
The services do tend to vary from SBDC to SBDC, but I have found that the quality is good and it can be an affordable start to receiving some training and one-on-one counseling for your business idea. Another advantage of starting the entrepreneurial process with your local SBDC is that they have a great knowledge base of the local entrepreneurial resources that you can tap into - both within and outside their organization.
Use the SBDC Locater on the SBA's website in order to fine an SBDC close to you.
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