Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Creative Marketing?

I am expecting our third child in early January and we are waiting to find out if the baby is a he or a she. While I was shopping the other day in a shoe store, a vibrant lady came up to me and told me that she was 100% confident that I was going to have a boy. She went on to chat about how she is always right about these things and that I should call her after I have the baby to confirm that she is right. Miss Sherrie (as she likes to be called) then went on to tell me that she is a professional psychic.

Afterwards, I got to thinking -- wasn't that a creative marketing ploy on her behalf? Miss Sherrie has a 50-50 chance on getting the gender of the baby correct (although perhaps her psychic abilities increase that chance....haha). For those that she does guess correctly, they then have her phone number and are probably more likely to call her up to find out what else she knows!

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